Fiber Optic Growth in the Medical Field
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Fiber Optic Cable growth continues to surge. And it comes from places that many of us do not realize. Did you know several technological innovations and advancements further optimize the product’s performance, making Fiber Optic Cable more widely used in downstream applications, creating additional demand not seen before?
One of the prime areas of innovation is occurring in the medical field. You ask, what are the advantages of using fiber optic technology in medicine? Well, safe for health monitoring, fiber optics used in sensing tools are also very stable and biocompatible, and they can be sterilized and autoclaved. Another significant advantage of using fiber optics is that it can act as the sensor itself, transmitting signals to monitoring equipment.
Here is an excellent article on the Future of Fiber Optics in Medicine from NAI for reference.
No matter where the surge is coming from, Adams Cable Equipment has had our customers back since 1998 by stocking and sourcing hard-to-find inventory they are looking for, including Fiber Optic Cable. As the Fiber Optic Cable market continues to surge – let us help you with all of your sourcing needs. Contact us at 913-888-5100 and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

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